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How to Handle the Injured Client Who Just Won't Accept Defeat


Human beings are simply incredible. We’re capable of achieving the near impossible, able to climb mountains and overcome struggles the likes many can’t even fathom. It’s truly amazing to see us in action. The human spirit, the essence that drives us to go further is also amazing. While I have to respect our urge to push on, sometimes we have to know when to surge forward and when to fall back for our own health.


[National Posture Institute] How to Handle the Injured Client Who Just Won't Accept Defeat

Are you injured? Have you been injured in the past 6 months? Do you know or are you training someone who’s been in this situation? It’s important to understand that while you may want to get up and do all manner of awesome stuff, you have to be aware of your body and how it’s doing. If you’re injured you need to rest and changeup your game plan before it gets worse.

I’m not joking; what spurred this whole article was a conversation I had recently with a past friend who asked for advice. He had torn a muscle and worn down his ligaments but was looking for the way to stay in the game and keep pushing forward. Naturally, I told him he needs to rest and take it easy, but it just wasn’t enough. After some time speaking with him it seemed like he reluctantly agreed to listen to my advice.

It’s not fun, cool, or awesome to push yourself when you’re injured, especially if you’re fresh off the injury. Think about it, whatever event caused the injury is a lesson; not one of fear but a learning experience to improve yourself in the long run. The downtime you need is part of that improvement process and you need to take it or something could get worse.

Yes, I’ll mention it again; things could get worse. Imagine tearing a muscle in your leg and needing assistance walking. Should you really be pushing yourself and trying to work your legs? The first thing I always suggest is seeing a physician and/or a therapist. There’s nothing tough about you hobbling around after a serious injury when you could take a few months and begin the healing process.

If you don’t take time, you’re going to suffer more. Take it from me, I’ve been injured in the past and I’ve told myself the wisest decision is to take time and slowly work myself into the groove again. Injury isn’t the end of your life; you’re going to come back from this. You’re going to be able to change the way you train to achieve the results you need, but take the opportunity to think it through and come back stronger.

What if you’re the professional speaking to a client, friend, or family member about this? It’s disheartening to tell someone who’s genuinely enthusiastic about exercising that they need to take it down a notch. Too many people skip exercise as it is, but if you don’t have that conversation with them things may get worse. They may injure another part of their body; the likelihood of this increases if they’re going to exercise without paying heed to the hurt area.

Whether you’re the one who wants to push through the pain or they are, keep in mind that this isn’t the end, there’s room for a comeback but you need to be safe. Exercise isn’t a complete bust either, you can train other areas of your body or take up different activities that may engage you but are safe for your current situation; swimming always seems to work well.

Once again, if a trained professional isn’t involved it’s a must that they become so. Again, there’s nothing cool, manly, womanly, or respectable in pushing through this. There’s no medal at the end of this road and the people egging you on aren’t looking out for your benefit. You have to change the way you exercise and heed the call of your hurting area; take a break, see a professional, and go through your recovery.

If there’s one thing we value is education. We’re here to help professionals like you become more educated on issues like this so that’s why we partner with our friends at the Educational Fitness Solutions. They’re offering an online college certificate in Personal Fitness Training that prepares you to handle conversations like this with your clients. Oh, and you’ll become a really cool certified professional too.

Check out the program here>>

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